Cash Store’s Top Financial Podcasts to Follow

ELIZABETH S. | October 24, 2023

In today's fast-paced digital age, podcasts have emerged from the shadows of niche interests to become a widely popular source of knowledge and entertainment. Whether you're a seasoned financial enthusiast, someone seeking valuable financial advice, or simply a podcast enthusiast, there's a wealth of financial wisdom waiting for you in the world of podcasts.

The podcast industry has grown exponentially in recent years, with daily, weekly, and monthly listenership steadily rising. A remarkable 62% of Americans aged 12 and over tuned in to podcasts in 2022, a significant increase from the 57% recorded in 2021. This surge in podcast popularity reflects diverse interests and ideas, making it an ideal platform for those looking to explore personal finance, investments, and money management. 

In this article, we'll explore Cash Store's top picks for financial podcasts that cater to all levels of financial expertise, from beginners to seasoned investors. So, grab your headphones and get ready to dive into a world of financial knowledge and insights.

Man listening to a top financial podcast while working

The Power of Financial YouTube Channels

While we've highlighted the growing popularity of financial podcasts, it's important to acknowledge that the world of personal finance education isn't limited to just audio. In fact, another dynamic avenue has been making waves in recent years – Financial YouTube channels.

The digital realm is teeming with over 114 million active YouTube channels, and this includes a substantial number dedicated to finance and investment topics. These channels often feature content from various partners, including broadcasters, movie studios, record labels, and more, using Content ID to protect their intellectual property.

Like podcasts, financial YouTube channels have gained substantial traction in personal finance. Their significance lies in their ability to visually convey complex financial concepts, provide real-time market analysis, and offer interactive content that caters to a diverse audience.

As we dive deeper into personal finance, we must recognize the synergy between financial podcasts and YouTube channels, both serving as invaluable resources for those looking to secure their financial future. Now, let's explore some of the top financial podcasts and YouTube channels that can help you achieve your financial goals.

Criteria for Selection

Selecting the top financial podcasts for our featured list required a meticulous evaluation process. We believe that the podcasts we recommend should meet certain criteria to ensure they provide the highest value to our readers. Here are the key factors we considered:

  1. Quality of Content: Our top picks offer well-researched, informative, and actionable content. They provide practical insights, tips, and strategies that can help individuals improve their financial literacy and make informed decisions.
  2. Expert Hosts: We prioritize podcasts hosted by financial experts, industry professionals, or individuals with a proven track record in personal finance. These hosts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.
  3. Popularity: Popularity is often a reflection of a podcast's quality and appeal. We considered the number of subscribers, downloads, and positive reviews to gauge each podcast's standing in the financial podcasting landscape.
  4. Relevance: The topics covered by the podcasts should be relevant to a wide audience, including beginners and advanced financial enthusiasts. We considered whether the content addressed diverse financial subjects, from budgeting and saving to investing and retirement planning.
  5. Consistency: Regular podcast updates are essential for keeping the audience engaged. We favored podcasts with a consistent release schedule to ensure our readers have access to fresh and up-to-date financial advice.

By adhering to these criteria, the team at Cash Store has curated a list of financial podcasts that offer substantial value and can empower individuals on their financial journeys. Whether you're looking to start your financial education or enhance your existing knowledge, these podcasts have something valuable to offer.

Top Financial Podcasts to Follow

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards financial enlightenment? Look no further! We've compiled a list of some of the best financial podcasts that cater to a wide range of financial interests and expertise levels. These podcasts are hosted by seasoned experts who share valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help you make informed financial decisions and secure your financial future.

1. The Ramsey Show

Host: Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey is a household name in personal finance. His podcast offers practical advice on budgeting, getting out of debt, and building wealth. Dave's wisdom can guide you whether you're just starting or well on your financial journey.

2. The Clark Howard Podcast

Host: Clark Howard

Clark Howard is known for his consumer advocacy and money-saving tips. His podcast covers a wide range of topics, from frugal living to investing, and keeps you informed about consumer issues.

3. Women and Money

Host: Suze Orman

Suze Orman, a renowned financial expert, focuses on empowering women to take control of their financial futures. Her podcast addresses topics such as investing, retirement, and financial independence.

4. Afford Anything

Host: Paula Pant

Paula Pant's podcast explores the concept of financial independence and real estate investing. She shares stories of individuals who have achieved financial freedom and provides actionable advice.

5. The Money Guy Show

Hosts: Brian Preston and Bo Hanson

Brian and Bo offer a blend of financial expertise and humor. They cover topics like investing, retirement planning, and wealth-building strategies.

6. Over50TV

Host: Lou Reyes 

While not a traditional podcast, Over50TV is a YouTube channel that provides valuable insights and information tailored to individuals aged 50 and over. The channel covers various topics, including retirement planning, healthcare, lifestyle, and financial considerations. With informative videos and expert advice, Over50TV aims to empower its viewers to make informed decisions and live a fulfilling life after 50.

7. Money for the Rest of Us 

Host: David Stein

In "Money for the Rest of Us," David Stein provides insights into personal finance, investments, and economic concepts. He aims to make complex financial topics accessible to the average person, helping listeners make informed financial decisions.

8. Planet Money

Host: Various NPR Correspondents 

"Planet Money" by NPR is a captivating podcast that delves into the complex world of economics and finance in a way that's both engaging and accessible. With various hosts and contributors, each episode offers a unique perspective on global financial issues, economic trends, and the impact of money on our everyday lives.

Podcast on a tablet with money scattered around

Why Listen to Financial Podcasts

In a world where personal finance is becoming increasingly crucial, the benefits of tuning into financial podcasts are numerous. Here's why you should consider adding financial podcasts to your daily or weekly listening routine:

  1. Gain Financial Insights: Financial podcasts are like a treasure trove of wisdom. They provide expert advice, real-world experiences, and diverse perspectives on various financial topics. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned investor, these insights can help you make informed decisions about your money.
  2. Improve Money Management Skills: Financial podcasts often delve deep into the nitty-gritty of money management. They teach you practical skills like budgeting, investing, and saving effectively. These skills are essential for building a solid financial foundation and securing your future.
  3. Stay Updated on Economic Trends: The financial landscape is constantly evolving. Staying informed about economic trends, market fluctuations, and global events is crucial. Financial podcasts keep you in the loop, helping you adjust your financial strategy as needed.
  4. Supplement Your Education: Most schools don't prioritize teaching personal finance skills, leaving a gap in our education. However, there are ample opportunities to learn outside the classroom. Listening to podcasts is one accessible way to fill that knowledge void.

Combining personal finance courses and financial podcasts creates a potent recipe for improving financial literacy. These resources complement each other, providing a well-rounded education that empowers you to master your finances.

Diverse Topics Covered 

The recommended financial podcasts cover various topics to cater to various financial needs and interests. You can expect in-depth discussions on budgeting, helping you create and stick to a financial plan. They dive into investing strategies, from beginner to advanced levels, and offer tips on saving effectively. 

These podcasts also address the challenges of paying off credit cards and managing debt, providing actionable solutions. And for those eyeing retirement, comprehensive planning advice ensures a secure financial future. With such diverse content, you can find guidance on the financial aspect that matters most.

How to Get Started 

Embarking on your journey to financial wisdom through podcasts is easier than you might think. Here's a step-by-step guide for beginners:

  • Choose Your Platform: There are several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and more. Pick the one that suits your device and preferences.
  • Search for the Podcast: Use the search function to find the financial podcast you're interested in. You can simply type in the podcast's or host's names for quick results.
  • Subscribe: Once you've found your chosen podcast, click subscribe. This ensures you receive new episodes automatically.
  • Download or Stream: You can download episodes for offline listening or stream them online. A WiFi connection ensures smooth streaming, but downloads allow you to listen without an internet connection.
  • Listen and Learn: With your laptop or mobile device in hand and a WiFi connection, you're all set to dive into the world of financial wisdom. Best of all, most, if not all, of the recommended podcasts are entirely free to subscribe to.

Remember that the YouTube channels and podcasts we've suggested make this process even more accessible. They're designed to help you master your finances with ease. So, grab your device, connect to the internet, and start your financial education journey today—it's as simple as that!

Tips for Effective Podcast Consumption

Listening to the best money podcasts and top financial podcasts is an excellent way to enhance your financial literacy and learn from financial experts on podcasts. To make the most of your podcast consumption, consider these practical tips:

  1. Create a Listening Schedule: Designate specific times for podcast listening, whether it's during your daily commute, while exercising, or doing household chores. Consistency ensures you keep learning without sacrificing your routine.
  2. Utilize Your Smartphone: Data from Q4 2021 reveals that smartphones are the most common device for podcast consumption (73%). Take advantage of this convenience by downloading podcast episodes to your smartphone and listening on the go.
  3. Take Notes: Keep a notepad or digital note-taking app handy. Jot down key insights, strategies, or resources mentioned during the podcasts. This will help you retain and apply what you've learned.
  4. Apply What You Learn: Don't just passively consume content; put your newfound knowledge into practice. Whether creating a budget, diversifying your investments, or setting financial goals, applying what you learn is where real financial growth happens.
  5. Explore the Cash Store Blog: To complement your podcast learning, consider exploring the Cash Store blog. It offers a wealth of financial resources, articles, and insights that align with the knowledge you gain from podcasts.

Remember that effective podcast consumption is not just about listening but actively engaging with the content and using it to improve your financial well-being. By incorporating these tips into your podcast routine, you can harness the power of financial podcasts to achieve your financial goals and enhance your financial literacy.

Explore the World of Top Financial Podcasts 

Exploring the world of top financial podcasts is an investment in your financial future that pays dividends. These podcasts, hosted by financial experts and enthusiasts, offer knowledge, tips, and strategies to help you navigate the complexities of personal finance.

By actively listening to financial advice and exploring investment podcasts, you gain the tools to make informed decisions, improve money management skills, and secure your financial well-being. Staying informed about economic trends and financial best practices is paramount in today's ever-changing world.

So, don't hesitate. Start your financial education journey today by tuning in to the recommended financial podcasts. They're not only accessible but many are free, making them an invaluable resource on your path to financial mastery. Take that first step, and empower yourself to achieve your financial goals and aspirations.

*The content on this page provides general consumer information or tips. It is not financial advice or guidance. Each person’s circumstances are unique. The Cash Store may update this information periodically. This information may also include links or references to third-party resources or content. We do not endorse the third-party or guarantee the accuracy of this third-party information. There may be other resources that also serve your needs. 

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